How to get the most out of your Dry Shampoo and Voluminous Sea Salt Spray combination

Our founder, Linda, has long blonde hair to her waist. Linda has a very active lifestyle; she weight trains at the gym every other day, does a long power walk daily and lives a hectic active life.
When I asked Linda if she has to schedule in her diary to wash her hair because I imagine it’s a job in itself, she leans back laughing then very firmly says “Absolutely”. She continues “In my late teens I worked at a gym teaching up to 3 cardio classes a day. My hair used to get so oily that I had to wash it every day”.
I asked Linda how often she washes her hair now and she winks at me as she very profoundly shares with me “Once per week”. I ask her if it feels dirty at all, and she shakes her head. Linda says “I use BodFoods Voluminous Sea Salt for the first three days of the week on the crown of my head. I blowdry it for a minute or so; this leaves my hair looking fresh and voluminous, by mid-week every second day I put some dry shampoo on the crown and sides of my head before bed”, She emphasises “Before bed”.
I ask “Why before bed” and what she tells me next blows my mind. She applies the dry shampoo before bed and thoroughly brushes it through her hair. This does two things:
- This moves the dry shampoo through the hair absorbing the oils and keeps the powder off the scalp.
- Then she sleeps with it in, in the morning she givers her hair another brush and she says “It looks freshly washed, smells great, feels clean and has volume for days”.
She shares with me “My husband is astounded that my hair looks DONE as soon as I wake up, it’s a lovely compliment, but my BodFood products make it effortless.”
Linda shares with me that people have always commented on her locks, but since developing BodFood’s products, she says ‘People ask me all the time how I get such volume in my hair, or how thick my hair is, how my hair always looks so nicely done. But the reality is I spend very little time on my hair; I am a low maintenance kind of girl. I like things to be effortless, easy and natural”.
The more Linda spoke with people, the more she realised they wanted to the same, and that is how BodFood has become a household product that women all over Australia can’t live without.